Parent & Carer Support Services
How can we help...
We recognise that parents need time to be able to care for themselves so they can keep doing the great job they do of looking after their children. So, we offer a range of group activities that give you opportunities to nurture yourself, develop new skills as a parent and to get to know other parents.
Parents and carers can be managing all sorts of challenges that can feel overwhelming and get in the way of enjoying family life. We can offer you safe, confidential opportunities to talk through worries and get some headspace back in your life. We provide advice and support through home visits, groups, programmes, and 1:1 Support.

** Be sure to visit our Antenatal & Postnatal page, our Children 1-4 Years Old page, and our All About Us page for more information on all our services. **
We offer a wide range of programmes for parents including recreational, personal development, and parenting related programmes.
Services are delivered by a multi-disciplinary team so once registered you can be supported as you want, from early pregnancy up to your child turns 4 years of age. All of our services are FREE and VOLUNTARY! So use what you want, when you want!
Know what to do if your child has an accident or takes ill.
This accredited course for parents will give you more peace of mind by teaching you essential first aid skills to help you cope with any medical emergencies. Research has indicated that most accidents for under 5’s can happen in the home environment.
Topics included are; Recovery position, CPR for child, CPR for Adult, choking, scalding, burns, sprains and breaks. Emergency response training which is accredited and valid for 2 years.
You must attend each of the weekly sessions to receive accreditation.
Easy to cook, low cost, healthy meals for the family.
These programmes includes group discussion alongside hands on cooking experience with an opportunity to sample the dishes at the end of each session. Perfect for those who want to eat healthily while managing their budget.
A variety of short programmes to include relaxation, meditation, and your holistic health and wellbeing.
Programmes can be offered in short 4 week blocks or as one off events and all Sure Start parents are welcome to participate. Our programmes aim to promote healthy minds and healthy bodies, so that Sure Start parents are equipped to be the best parents they can be.
Learn how to support your child’s speech and communication development and help overcome any speech delays.
Learn how to best support your baby’s emotional health and brain development.
This programme is proven to increase confidence in parenting and this in turn has an ongoing positive impact on children in all aspects of development.
For parents and carers of babies aged birth to 12 months.
Learn some simple but effective techniques for the big and small issues when parenting a toddler.
This programme is proven to increase confidence in parenting and this in turn has an ongoing positive impact on children in all aspects of development. We look at the importance of child-led play, social and emotional coaching, and behaviour strategies.
For parents and carers of toddlers 1-3 Years Old.
Learn some ways to help your child develop the skills and confidence they need for starting school.
This programme offers ways to help your child develop the skills and confidence they need for starting school. We will talk about social skills, academic skills, and emotional regulation skills.
For parents and carers of preschoolers 3-4 Years Old.
This programme is for parents of children who have a queried or diagnosed additional need or developmental delay. Meetings are an excellent opportunity to share experiences and learning with other parents. We offer a safe, relaxed, and confidential environment with sessions hosted by experienced facilitators.
Art, photography, crafts and much more to relax, unwind and enjoy some time with other parents in a relaxing environment.

We understand that sometimes it is difficult to find childcare when you would like to attend a parenting Programme. That is why we offer limited Creche Services for certain programmes.
Our Creche Practitioners are highly qualified, providing advice and support that can guide parents in their journey in supporting their child’s development. Feel free to ask if your programme offers creche support.

Support Packs
We offer a range of support packs when you use our services including:
• Registration
• Hospital Bag
• Breastfeeding Back to Work
• Play Development
• Weaning
• Toilet Training
*Subject to availability*