Antenatal & Postnatal Services
How can we help...
Our team offer services to mums and dads to help prepare for the birth of the baby and to get ready to enjoy building a close loving relationship after baby comes along. These services are provided in small groups or can be delivered individually in your own home.
Once baby is born, we continue to offer support to help mums and dads have the confidence and skills to enjoy their role as a parent. A baby’s development during it’s first year is truly amazing. We offer a wide variety of groups and home based services to equip parents to support their child’s health, social development and independence skills.

** Be sure to read our Parent & Carer Support page for more information on parenting programmes and support services. **
Antenatal Programmes
Expecting a baby can be a scary, enjoyable, worrying, and exciting time all at once! We offer a number of programmes and services during the antenatal period to help reduce stress, support the parent-child relationship, and develop friendships with other mums and dads.
Services are delivered by a multi-disciplinary team so once registered you can be supported as you want, from early pregnancy up to your child turns 4 years of age. All of our services are FREE and VOLUNTARY! So use what you want, when you want!
Information and support to get ready for labour, childbirth and the weeks afterwards.
Join other parents-to-be for a cuppa and a chat! Topics include Writing Your Birth Plan, Packing Your Hospital Bag, Golden Hour, Baby Basics, Why Babies Cry, and more. Birthing partners are welcome.
An evidence based antenatal education programme that helps you understand what happens to you and your baby during labour.
Designed by midwives and available to access at any time, this prerecorded online antenatal programme helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of the birthing process. Access is free through SureStart!
Gentle movements to help relax your body and mind, to help you connect with your changing body and your unborn baby, while preparing you for birth.
Antenatal Yoga can be an effective and enjoyable way to address symptoms like lower back pain and nausea. It may also improve your sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase strength and flexibility during childbirth.
1:1 advice on all antenatal, postnatal, and parenting topics from our programmes, through an arranged home visit, or at our main centre.
Postnatal Programmes
Our postnatal services start from when you give birth, up until your child turns 1. A few services are available during both the antenatal and postnatal periods.
Services are delivered by a multi-disciplinary team so once registered you can be supported as you want, from early pregnancy up to your child turns 4 years of age. All of our services are FREE and VOLUNTARY! So use what you want, when you want!
1:1 advice on all antenatal, postnatal, and parenting topics from our programmes, through an arranged home visit, or at our main centre.
An opportunity to connect with other new mums and meet our staff in a relaxed and fun group environment.
Co-facilitated with the Family Nurse Partnership, this group provides support in a relaxed group setting.
To get breastfeeding off to the best start, our midwife can help you overcome any challenges that may be encountered along the way and help you breastfeed successfully for longer.
Baby yoga helps to support babies sensory development and parent bonding.
Multi-Sensory areas are delivered in a relaxing or stimulating space, specifically designed to promote children’s learning and development through their senses.
Learn gentle, rhythmic stroking techniques to help baby relax. It also helps with many childhood conditions such as colic, ear wax, and constipation.
Simple foot massage techniques to improve your babies health and wellbeing.
Learn how to best support your baby’s emotional health and brain development.
This programme is proven to increase confidence in parenting and this in turn has an ongoing positive impact on children in all aspects of development.
For parents and carers of babies aged birth to 12 months.