Children 1 to 4 Years Old Services
How can we help...
Our services focus on play to encourage children to develop their creativity, problem solving skills, communication skills and sense of adventure. This can be a busy time as toddlers start to gain the skills they need to get ready for pre-school and primary school.
Each child is unique and goes through the different stages of development at their own space. We offer a wide variety of groups and home based services to equip parents to support their child’s health, social development and independence skills.
** Be sure to read our Parent & Carer Support page for more information on parenting programmes and support services. **

Programmes & 1:1 Support
Interactive programmes to develop children’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional skills through low cost/no cost play.
Services are delivered by a multi-disciplinary team so once registered you can be supported as you want, from early pregnancy up to your child turns 4 years of age. All of our services are FREE and VOLUNTARY! So use what you want, when you want!
Weekly sessions that offer support and advice in relation to health, play, and your child’s development.
Join in with singing nursery rhymes and songs, dancing, playing musical instruments and more!
A support group for parents of children with additional needs or developmental delay. This group offers the parent and child quality time in a relaxed and safe environment where sensory issues are minimised to reduce children’s anxiety.
Encouraging children to explore the world around them through messy play, multisensory play, outdoor play, music, art, and more.
This programme will ‘focus on constructive play in a group setting to enhance children’s social and emotional development, build on their communication skills and encourage imagination through play’. The programme operates for a full academic year.
** Applications open in early spring each year for this programme for more information please see our Developmental Programme for 2-3 Year Olds page **
1:1 advice on various topics including Home Safety Visits, Toilet Training Support, Bedtime Routines Support, Speech & Language Support, and more!
Our Roma/Ethnic Minority Group offers a warm, welcoming space where parents and children from diverse backgrounds can come together to socialise, play, and enjoy a healthy snack.
Creche service available to support parents attending parenting programmes.